About Rosalia Omungo

Rosalia Omungo is Chief Executive Officer for Kenya Editors’ Guild, the foremost professional association for editors in Kenya. She is in charge of implementing the institution’s strategy to deliver professionalism and excellence in journalism- which include- opportunities for professional development for editors, mentorship programmes for journalists, community engagement with media as well advocating for policies that promote media freedom. She completed the Knight Science Journalism fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017 and continues to practice freelance science journalism.

She previously worked as television managing editor where she led the Health, Science and environment desk. Her work entailed leading special projects, mentoring reporters, fostering partnerships to promote excellent reporting and commissioning stories for the broadcast. She has reported widely on climate change and adaptation, energy, forests, water, biodiversity, technology and agriculture. In 2009, she won a Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP) fellowship during which her main assignment was covering UN negotiations in Copenhagen, Denmark.

She was the first Earth Journalism Scholar at the University of California Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, where she spent Spring 2014 semester taking advanced classes in journalism and environmental studies. Her work has also earned her accolades among them Commonwealth award for excellence in reporting environment in Africa (2010). She is a member of Kenya Environment and Science Journalists Association (KENSJA), where she formerly served as chair. She is also a member of Society for Environmental Journalists (SEJ). She holds a Masters degree in Development Communication from Daystar University, Kenya and a post-graduate diploma broadcast journalism from University of Nairobi, School of Journalism.