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Monday, October 31st - 18:00 PM To 19:00 PM

Exploring quality indicators for science journalism in a wired world

English Track


In this session, we will explore dimensions of ‘quality’ in the context of online science communication and how these could apply to science journalists producing digital content.

The session will draw on work from the EU-funded RETHINK project, where we explored the challenges digitalization has posed to science communication. We will present findings from a Delphi study of science communication scholars and a survey of science communication practitioners to seed a discussion of how broader issues around quality and trust might apply in the specific context of science journalism. We’ll also explore how the concept of good quality journalism may change depending on the online platform and country.

This session will be interactive and is designed to provide participants with ideas applicable to their own work. So please come prepared to contribute your insights on how we should conceptualize quality in the context of digital science journalism.


Birte Faehnrich
Birte Faehnrich

senior policy officer at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

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Andy Ridgway
Andy Ridgway

Award-winning science journalist, University of the West of England

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Emma Weitkamp
Emma Weitkamp

Professor in Science Communication, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

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Birte Faehnrich
Birte Faehnrich

senior policy officer at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

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Andy Ridgway
Andy Ridgway

Award-winning science journalist, University of the West of England

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Emma Weitkamp
Emma Weitkamp

Professor in Science Communication, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

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