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Sunday, October 30th - 19:00 PM To 20:00 PM

How to write a captivating science article

English Track


In this workshop, guidelines and recommendations will be provided and discussed to write a science article that is not only accurate and scientifically correct but also communicated in a comprehensive, innovative, and attractive way. The more creative and interesting the reporting, the more people can be inspired to participate in public debates.

This workshop is a cooperation between the Goethe-Institut Cairo and the Science Journalism Forum. It is part of the forum and the Goethe-Institut’s Science Talks within the project “Media and Science in the MENA Region”, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.


Jörg Römer
Jörg Römer

Science Editor, DER SPIEGEL

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Jörg Römer
Jörg Römer

Science Editor, DER SPIEGEL

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