About Ahmed Amri

PhD in Genetics and Crop Improvement from Kansas State University, USA (1989). Worked in cereal breeding at the National Institute for Agricultural research in Morocco where I contributed to the release of more than 25 barley and wheat varieties.

I joined ICARDA in 1999 to coordinate a regional project on promoting the conservation and sustainable use of dryland agrobiodiversity in West Asia.

From 2008 till 2019, I Headed the genetic resources unit at ICARDA which led to the relocation of genebanks activities to Lebanon and Morocco. I provided technical backstopping for the establishment of genebanks in 12 countries and provided training in various areas of genetic resources conservation and use and in pre-breeding and breeding and co-advising of 35 MSc and PhD students.

Total publications: 189 including 110 in refereed journal. My pre-breeding efforts have allowed to introgress genes from wild species in case of wheat and barley.