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Monday, October 23rd - 18:10 PM To 18:40 PM

How to Write about Quantum Science

English Track


Quantum science, with its profound implications for our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality, has emerged as one of the most captivating and challenging topics in contemporary scientific research. However, effectively communicating these complex concepts to the general public, and more specifically, to science journalists, remains a daunting task.

This session aims to equip science journalists with the essential tools and strategies to demystify the enigmatic world of quantum science for their readers. Participants will explore various aspects of quantum theory, from its historical development to its real-world applications, to develop a solid foundation in the subject matter.

Attendees will gain insights into the dos and don’ts of writing about quantum science, emphasizing precision, accuracy, and avoiding sensationalism. Because quantum science is becoming more mainstream, from Quantum Leap to Quantummania to Oppenheimer, more journalists may find themselves writing about quantum science and need to learn not to be afraid to cover the topic.


Kenna Hughes-Castleberry
Kenna Hughes-Castleberry

PIO at JILA and a freelance science writer

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Kenna Hughes-Castleberry
Kenna Hughes-Castleberry

PIO at JILA and a freelance science writer

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