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Wednesday, October 25th - 16:45 PM To 17:10 PM

COVID-19: Exploring New Formats for Online Science Communication

Spanish Track


The Science Communication Center, a group affiliated with the Autonomous University of Chile, used to primarily engage in science outreach activities using the ‘learning by doing’ methodology before the pandemic. This included talks, exhibitions, and panels that combined theory with hands-on experimentation, primarily aimed at children and adolescents.

With the onset of the pandemic and movement restrictions, they had to restructure their working approach to adapt to the digital world. This led to the creation of the ‘+Ciencia’ brand, encompassing a range of products broadcasted on their YouTube channel. These included Chile’s first scientific late-night show, +Ciencia, Connected with the World’ (Seasons 1 and 2), and currently, a digital and print magazine.

They also developed other 100% digital products, such as ‘Boom de la Ciencia’ (Chile’s first virtual science fair), ‘Bitácora de Cuarentena’ (monologues by the Eureka Group), and ‘Experimentos Científicos en Cuarentena’ (Scientific Experiments in Quarantine).

In this session, we will delve into each format, lessons learned, and opportunities for enhancing the virtual science communication experience


María Paz Ilabaca
María Paz Ilabaca

Periodista científica, Centro de Comunicación de las Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile

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María Paz Ilabaca
María Paz Ilabaca

Periodista científica, Centro de Comunicación de las Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile

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