Initial Agenda

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Subject to updates and changes as we finalize the event details

Can science journalism save science? Multidisciplinary approach to science writing
English Track

50 ways to tell a story: why young people crave innovative science storytelling
English Track

Using Artificial Intelligence to Up Your Science-Writing Game
English Track

Mastering AI: Tips and Strategies for Effective Use
English Track

SJF Press Briefing
English Track

Around Science Journalism Craft
English Track

Ethics and Genetics
English Track

The Power of Visuals in Science Communication: Slams and Academics group talk.
English Track

New approaches to engaging readers: Applying Constructive Journalism to science journalism
English Track

Rise of Gen AI use cases in newsroooms: A South Asian perspective
English Track

Social Security Policy Making in Japan - How Science Has Been Adopted into Politics?
English Track

Bite-sized Science Journalism: Popularization in the Modern Day
English Track

How to communicate science in a minoritarian language
English Track

AQUAMUSE Second Webinar Water Issues: Raising Awareness Through Media
English Track

Doing Accountability Reporting and Building Audience Trust: What Journalists Can Learn from Online Influencer
English Track

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and science journalism: ethical issues and training conundrums
English Track

Climate Visuals: How To Blend Facts With Creativity
English Track

How to Fight Fake News About Climate Change: The FLICC strategy
English Track

How is science represented in documentary films?
English Track

How to create a newsroom AI team
English Track

specialized newsroom management challenges
Arabic Track

The Intersection of Arts and Environmental Reporting in the Arab World: How do present environmental stories artistically? ARIJ Case Study
Arabic Track

La chela científica, un espacio refrescante para hablar de ciencia. Chela Científica, a Refreshing Space to Talk about Science
Spanish Track

Portuguese Track

A realidade da Divulgação Científica e Ambiental na Amazônia - The reality of Scientific and Environmental Dissemination in the Amazon
Portuguese Track

Intellecta: así hacemos y comunicamos ciencia en Uninorte
Spanish Track

Participatory guidelines to shape science journalism in the age of AI
Spanish Track

The changing journalistic gaze: the convergence between socio-environmental solutions and public engagement
Portuguese Track

Surfing digital trends to communicate science
Spanish Track

Contribtution des communicateurs traditionnels dans l'adhesion des communautés aux interventions de santé recherche
French Track

Le journalisme scientifique et le secteur extractif
French Track

L'accès aux donnes dans le journalisme environnement au Senegal
French Track

The role of audiovisual archives in the dissemination of scientific knowledge to the general public
French Track