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Monday, October 28th - 18:20 PM To 18:50 PM

How to create a newsroom AI team

English Track


How can you create and lead a team of different AI models that work together to create a journalistic product? Find out how AI models can collaborate, with minimal supervision, to scour for, research and write about research results and then adapt the to various channels such as blogs, newsletters and social media? I am presenting a study case on Romanian Science Digest – a weekly newsletter featuring curated science news. I show how I am using fine-tuned AI to extract essential information from long and jargon-heavy texts, how it gets turned into a newsletter and how my automated AI team creates its own image prompts, images and social media visuals.


Madalina Cocea
Madalina Cocea

Science Communicator, Eduventica

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Madalina Cocea
Madalina Cocea

Science Communicator, Eduventica

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