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Wednesday, November 2nd - 04:30 AM To 05:00 AM

Busting the Covid-19 Infodemic With Ground Reports From India

English Track


The Covid-19 pandemic posed many challenges, one big challenge for science journalists was to bust the infodemic that was spreading faster than the infection. In a country as vast as India with a population of 1.35 billion and such diversity the challenge was even bigger. There is nothing like doing ground reports from ground zero to explain the reality of the pandemic. All though the Covid-19 pandemic I was on the road doing report after report from inside Covid facilities, be it testing facilities, hospitals. I remain the only journalist as far as I know who did two half hour exclusive interviews from inside a Covid-19 ward when I was admitted for my own infection in the devastating Delta wave infection. People love ground reports which give them the best information in user friendly manner.


Pallava Bagla
Pallava Bagla

Science Photo Journalist, New Frontiers in Science & Development

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Pallava Bagla
Pallava Bagla

Science Photo Journalist, New Frontiers in Science & Development

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