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Monday, October 28th - 11:00 AM To 11:15 AM

Can science journalism save science? Multidisciplinary approach to science writing

English Track


Working at CERN a friend of mine said. We scientists always try to communicate our research and findings and even when we say – The world is burning we are burning. People just look at us with expression. “Ah never mind”. But if someone better at marketing tells them that Earth is flat they suddenly all go passionate about it.

We must be doing something wrong.” And indeed many times when I participated in science communication and journalism workshops it was more and more clear how much people tend to stay within their own field. The lack of multidisciplinarity and ability to see the problem from multiple sides was astonishing. I was always the only economist the only hyperpoliglot interested in natual science but in social sciences too with diverse experience.

It kept me thinking – how are we suppose to solve important issues and reach the audiences and create meaningful impactful texts if we always see things just from one angle? Could we have more economist involved to help us understand how can we save science? Can we have physiologists to understand how to talk to audiences? How can we attract more funds and more attention to the important things like Climate change sustainable development new technologies?


Jelena Magnin
Jelena Magnin

Co-director, Head of Development, Institute for Socioeconomic Development of the Western Balkans

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Jelena Magnin
Jelena Magnin

Co-director, Head of Development, Institute for Socioeconomic Development of the Western Balkans

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