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Wednesday, November 2nd - 05:00 AM To 05:30 AM
Most of climate change news in media are based on research done by scientists who do the research in a short period of time. The idea is how citizen – after learning basic journalism and science – monitoring climate change indicators, especially the impacts of the changing climate to the social, economy and lives of community.
With Tempo – a high reputable mainstream mass media in Indonesia – developed a platform of citizen journalists. Community members will join a two-days training workshop on basic journalism, then they can send report (in the form of short videos, photos, audio and text) using smartphone application.
The reports will be curated and edited by Tempo editors and published at TempoWitness (witness.tempo.co). We have a plan to combine the citizen journalism model and citizen science.
The citizen journalists will join another training session on basic science on climate change and related issues. We will develop a list of climate change indicators – not only physical indicators (such as rainfall or drought) but especially social-economy indicators because of the changing climate.