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Wednesday, November 2nd - 06:30 AM To 07:30 AM

Covering Biodiversity Crisis: Lessons from the Equator

English Track


As massive exploitation of natural resources encroaches tropical forests in the equatorial belt, a huge number of plants and animal species are facing severe threats to extinctions. What is the current state of biodiversity crisis in the regions? What are the challenges in covering these stories? And how does science journalism help journalists covering this important topic? Listen to three experienced journalists from Indonesia, Nigeria, and Mexico who will share their experiences and perspectives.


Juan Mayorga
Juan Mayorga

Independent Journalist

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Sunday Orji
Sunday Orji

international freelance journalist and documentary producer

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Dyna Rochmyaningsih
Dyna Rochmyaningsih

Science journalist and freelancer, Society of Indonesian Science Journalists (SISJ)

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Juan Mayorga
Juan Mayorga

Independent Journalist

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Sunday Orji
Sunday Orji

international freelance journalist and documentary producer

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Dyna Rochmyaningsih
Dyna Rochmyaningsih

Science journalist and freelancer, Society of Indonesian Science Journalists (SISJ)

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