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Wednesday, October 30th - 14:15 PM To 15:15 PM

How can journalists work with young people to promote scientific and media literacy?

Portuguese Track


With social media platforms being designed for users to consume as much content as possible in the shortest amount of time, the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation has become a difficult problem to solve. Tools such as profile verification, community notes and fact-checking platforms can help combat this problem, but the most effective solution for fighting disinformation is to promote media and scientific literacy from an early age.

The media has the ability to educate and inform, but more importantly, they can teach young people to distinguish between reliable information and disinformation. By providing accessible and interactive content, media platforms can encourage curiosity and critical thinking, enabling new generations to question the veracity of the sources they consume.

In addition, the media can promote initiatives involving young people in practical activities, such as workshops and debates, where they can explore topics of social and scientific relevance. This approach encourages active participation and helps cement fundamental concepts about the importance of research and fact-checking.

In this session, we will showcase media platforms that aim to bridge the gap between journalism and young people and share tools and strategies to promote the creation of new and innovative projects. A short guide will be produced in the final session with the main resources described.


Carlos Alberto Mendes de Lima
Carlos Alberto Mendes de Lima

Educommunication Coordinator, City Hall of Sao Paulo

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Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro
Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro

Professora Auxiliar, Universidade Lusófona

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Adriano Cerqueira
Adriano Cerqueira

Journalist, 90 Segundos de Ciência

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Carlos Alberto Mendes de Lima
Carlos Alberto Mendes de Lima

Educommunication Coordinator, City Hall of Sao Paulo

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Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro
Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro

Professora Auxiliar, Universidade Lusófona

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Adriano Cerqueira
Adriano Cerqueira

Journalist, 90 Segundos de Ciência

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