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Monday, October 31st - 12:30 PM To 13:00 PM

How to storytell your science?

English Track


During this session, participants are asked to share their experiences in storytelling science. One could think it is as easy as following the story of a selected respondent, but there are other ways as well. When corresponding in the field, many questions may raise. For instance, how do you prevent from your story from interfering with the research itself, and what is the effect of informing respondents? Should you prevent yourself from becoming a science communicator, spreading knowledge rather than coming to get it?

Klaartje will present a case study she did in the Zambian sugar industry herself, after having studied biomass shortages in the EU. After that, she will turn to the audience to hear how others storyteller science. Please feel free to send your examples to klaartje@klaartjejaspers.co before the conference, so we can use them in the presentation.


Klaartje Jaspers
Klaartje Jaspers

Journalist / President of Klaartje Jaspers

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Klaartje Jaspers
Klaartje Jaspers

Journalist / President of Klaartje Jaspers

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