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Thursday, September 2nd - 08:00 AM To 09:00 AM

Meet the Editors Panel Discussion (French)

French Track


Leading science editors for French publications will explain what do editors look for in pitches. How can you convince an editor to take or not a subject, and what are the subjects that seem promising? What are the minimum things a journalist should keep in mind while pitching? What are the keys to a good pitch?

Que veulent les rédacteurs/rédactrices en chef ? Comment convaincre un responsable de prendre ou pas un sujet. D’ailleurs, quels sont les bons sujets ? Que devrait savoir à l’avance celui ou celle qui sollicite un entretien pour “pitcher” ? En bref, quelles sont les clés d’un bon pitch… …


Patrice Goldberg
Patrice Goldberg

Head of Science

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Olivier Dessibourg
Olivier Dessibourg

Science journalist, former president of the Swiss Association of Science Journalism

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Julien Chongwang
Julien Chongwang

Regional Coordinator, SciDev.Net

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Dominique Leglu
Dominique Leglu

Editorial Director

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Patrice Goldberg
Patrice Goldberg

Head of Science

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Olivier Dessibourg
Olivier Dessibourg

Science journalist, former president of the Swiss Association of Science Journalism

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Julien Chongwang
Julien Chongwang

Regional Coordinator, SciDev.Net

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Dominique Leglu
Dominique Leglu

Editorial Director

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