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Wednesday, November 2nd - 08:30 AM To 09:30 AM

New Age Media: Adjusting to changing demands of audiences

English Track


The advent of new media has transformed science journalism and communication to a large extent.
The internet and the communication platforms powered by it have brought major transformations in the paradigms of access to science and its dissemination. New technologies have helped produce, repurpose, and transform content in various forms, easily, efficiently and quickly: allowing complex and contentious issues in science to be presented in compelling and innovative forms online.

At the same time, the role of the journalists and communicators as the intermediary between the scientist and the people outside the scientific domain, and the first source of news from the world of science to those outside it, has been challenged. The panelists will discuss this constantly changing environment of the journalist and communicator, the advent of new actors as well as the changes in narratives and frames in science communication that accompanies this change.

They will also explore how the journalists can navigate the new media space which has empowered the audience to be involved in influencing content creation as well as selection. The panel will finally dwell upon coping strategies that could be adopted to adjust to the constant, buffeting change.


Sandhya Sekar
Sandhya Sekar

Programme Manager, Mongabay-India, Mongabay

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Manon Verchot
Manon Verchot

Journalist and Multimedia Producer, Member of SJAI

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Saugat Bolakhe
Saugat Bolakhe

Freelance Science Journalist: Scientific American, Discover Magazine, Knowable, Asian Scientist Magazine

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Archita Bhatta
Archita Bhatta

Science and environment journalist, communicator, DST Media Cell, Vigyan Prasar

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Sandhya Sekar
Sandhya Sekar

Programme Manager, Mongabay-India, Mongabay

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Manon Verchot
Manon Verchot

Journalist and Multimedia Producer, Member of SJAI

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Saugat Bolakhe
Saugat Bolakhe

Freelance Science Journalist: Scientific American, Discover Magazine, Knowable, Asian Scientist Magazine

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Archita Bhatta
Archita Bhatta

Science and environment journalist, communicator, DST Media Cell, Vigyan Prasar

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