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Monday, October 31st - 09:30 AM To 10:00 AM

Science dissemination of EU research projects

English Track


This presentation will focus on the potential and benefits of communicating innovation and R&D to disseminate the results of European research projects and maximise its impact. The talk will delve into the need to communicate at all stages of an innovation and research project, what should be considered, the dos and don’ts and the importance of storytelling as a tool for higher engagement.

Practical examples from R&D&I projects led by Eurecat Technological Centre will be used to showcase what communication and scientific dissemination can bring in innovation development. The talk will follow a practical approach on the selection and management of different communication platforms, according to the nature and objectives of the project.


Marina Presas
Marina Presas

Communication Officer, Eurecat

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Marina Presas
Marina Presas

Communication Officer, Eurecat

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