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Wednesday, November 2nd - 19:30 PM To 20:00 PM

Scientific Stand Up: International collaborative science experience with humor

Spanish Track


Presentation of the methodology of the international collaborative experience of science with the humor of the “UdeChile Standup” project and its evaluation of the scope in social networks and media to discuss the potential of the stand-up humorous format as a means of communication and scientific dissemination.

The description in Spanish
Presentación de la metodología de la experiencia colaborativa internacional de ciencia con humor del proyecto “UdeChile Standup” y su evaluación del alcance en redes sociales y medios de comunicación para discutir sobre el potencial del formato humorístico del stand-up como medio de comunicación y divulgación científica


Claudia Farah
Claudia Farah

Advisor to the Undersecretary in the Ministerio de Agricultura - Chile

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Claudia Farah
Claudia Farah

Advisor to the Undersecretary in the Ministerio de Agricultura - Chile

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