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Sunday, October 30th - 15:30 PM To 17:30 PM

Your voice as a working tool in science journalism

Spanish Track


This session covers a first approach to the relevant aspects of voice management in journalism.
The session is for you if you want to learn basic strategies about how to sound more natural,
genuine, and confident with your voice when telling journalistic stories.
By taking the workshop you are expected to:
-Reflect on the aspects that influence whether a journalist sounds good or bad.
– Identify the key differences between writing a script to be spoken vs. read.
– Explore the management of emphasis, rhythm and intention in the voice to enrich the narrative.
– Recognize the importance of facial and body language in the use of voice.


María del Carmen Climént
María del Carmen Climént

Science Communicator, Winton Centre, University of Cambridge

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María del Carmen Climént
María del Carmen Climént

Science Communicator, Winton Centre, University of Cambridge

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