About Bryann Avendano

Bryann Avendaño-Uribe is a recognized leader in STEM education and Colombian scientist dedicated to development and rural education. He held two first class bachelor degrees in Science Biology and Ecology and a Minor in Applied Statistics at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia.

He studied Participatory Modeling for Natural Reources in CIRAD-Montpellier, France and currently he is a Ph.D candidate in Natural Resources Engineering at University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Bryann is alumni of the largest leadership program and network in Education Teach For All and fellow of Georgetown University Global Competitiveness Leadership program in Washington DC, United States of America.

Bryann is the leader of education at Clubes de Ciencia Colombia (www.clubesdeciencia.co), the largest STEM initiative working to inspire children and youth to become the next generation of scientists in Latin America (expanded along 8 counries).

Bryann is co-founder and chief of science projects at ScienteLab, a non-profit that works with the latin american scientific diaspora to improve the condions of scientists in Colombia building international networks between scientists along Latin America, USA and Europe, now they are expanding to Asia and Oceania.

Currenlty, Bryann is one of the young consultants who are leading the policy for create the first ministry of science, technology and innovation in Colombia at the Senate of the republic.