About Doaa Megahed

Doaa Megahed (aka Douaa Mugahid) is a research scientist and faculty member at the Harvard School of Public Health where she works on the use of Big Data for public health surveillance. Before her current appointment she was an editor at Nature Communications where she served the computational and systems biology community.

Prior to that she was a post-doc at the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School, where she used a variety of methods to understand how cells communicate in the context of liver regeneration and liver disease. As a PhD student at Heidelberg University and the Max Delbrueck Center in Germany she used multi-omics to study how hibernating bears avoid the loss of muscle mass.

Besides her role as a researcher, Doaa is passionate about education and mentorship, which is why she serves as Scientific Editor and COO of Maqal Elmy, an initiative that makes science accessible to the Arab world on social media.

She is always happy to chat about science, science communication and almost anything under the sun.


Doaa Megahed Sessions