About Guillermo Orts

Guillermo Orts holds a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Technical University of Berlin, where he also studied Science Communication. He has been Coordinator of a Nanotechnology Group at the Max Planck Society, Director of Communications of the Society of Spanish Scientists in Germany and International Delegate at the Embassy of Spain in Berlin. He has visited master classes at The Guardian and has been guest speaker at institutions such as the Berlin School of Management, the MIT in Boston and the Gutenberg Campus of the UPF in Barcelona.
As popular science writer, Guillermo Orts-Gil has collaborated with several media such as The Huffington Post, Scientific American (Spanish Editions) and also with the TV series El cazador de cerebros (The Brain Hunter). With his project the “scientist without formulas” he has been featured in large media such as the newspaper La Vanguardia and Radio Cadena Ser, popularizing several fields such as nanotechnology, robotics, neuroscience or quantum mechanics. He has also published articles on innovation, education, creativity, culture, intelligence, happiness or Women in science.
In 2018 he promoted the creation of the first global hashtag for science communication in Spanish #ComunicaCiencia.
Since 2019 he works as Head of Communications & Public Relations at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).