About Hugo Fernandes

Hugo Fernandes is a scientist and professor at the State University of Ceará, has a PhD in Zoology, post-doc in Ecology, and a science communicator in Instagram (with more than 110 thousand followers. For more than 10 years working in Scientific Dissemination, he signed political-scientific content for midia such as HuffPost Brasil, HuffPost New York, Folha de S. Paulo, Band News FM, SBT Ceará and Tribuna do Ceará In 2018, he was organizer and director of Conhecer Eleições, an event that brought together eight candidacies for the Presidency of the Republic for an exclusive debate on Science and Education. He is the director of Science Vlogs Brasil, that certifies 60 channels on Youtube and, since 2019, he is a grantee of the Serrapilheira Institute.

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