About Joel Barredo

Joel Mark Baysa-Barredo considers himself as a Southeast Asian queer-feminist academic-activist. He pursued an International Master’s Degree in Human Rights at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University (Thailand). He is currently the Programme Director of the SHAPE-SEA. He has also been working with the ASEAN Youth Forum (AYF) as regional think tank member. Mr. Barredo actively takes part in several international and regional advocacy and academic exercises with the aim of helping realize sexuality-embracing, youth-driven, rights-centred societies. He’s worked on the issues of labour migration, human rights and peace education and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIE-SC). He recently led and co-edited SHAPE-SEA’s latest publication entitled, “Southeast Asia, Infected and Interrupted: Elevating Critical Voices on the State of Human Rights and Peace in the Time of COVID-19.”