About Omar AL-Hayani

I began my work as a journalist specialized in scientific and Environment affairs since 2006-2021 (16 years( .
In 2006, my work as a freelancer in Scientific Affairs began. In 2009, I joined to the Magazine of Communication and Information Technology as a scientific editor , and I still work there.
From October 2010 to October 2012 I joined to Sjcoop Program of the World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ) Canada and got a diploma with honors in scientific press and was the first in my group .
In 2013, I joined to Al-Jazeera as a reporter for the Science and Technology Page, one of the most famous T.V channels in the world, the correspondent of the Al-yemeni.org is funded by the German Institut für Auslandsbaziehungen (ifa) and the correspondent of the Abu Dhabi Environment Network.

Elected in as a member of the Board of Directors of The Arab Science Journalists Association((ASJA))
Participated in several international scientific conferences, also in The 8th Conference of Finland ( WFSJ) , the 9th Conference of Korea and The conference 62, Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau , Germany 2012.‎

I wrote to the SciDev.Net and http://alhayat.com site and most of arab scientific magazines, produced more than 500 reports, Some of them have become references and postgraduate scientific researches, and articles specialized in science , technology and the environment.

In 2016 we founded the Yemeni network for science as a site specialized in news of science and ‎technology‏.‏ I work in it as Managing Editor .
‎In 2018, Trainer at the ‎Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung -Yemen‎ office‏‎ to raise community awareness of ‎journalists in ‎terms of climate change and the future of energy .‎
I won the 2014 award for the best journalist in the Arab world from the Environment and People Newspaper .
And the award for the best environmental tourist article in the Arab world from the Arab Center for Media Tourism.

Omar AL-Hayani Sessions

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