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Wednesday, November 2nd - 14:30 PM To 15:00 PM

Social Video News in Digital-Born Outlets and Climate Change Communication

Spanish Track


Climate change is both the issue and the great challenge of our era, it affects everything and it affects us all. As it affects everything, it represents a fascinating and never-ending topic for journalism in general and for science and environmental journalism in particular.

This presentation will focus on a little analyzed news format: the video news produced by digital born outlets, to communicate climate change through social media. Due to the great reach that these contents have in social media, particularly with young audiences, it is important to analyze them under the perspective of digital journalism and science journalism.

Theoretical perspectives of the new digital and emotional architecture of news, product of the interaction between media and social media platforms, will be presented, with a particular emphasis on its emotional dimensions: emotional activation, shareability, sociability, personalization, positionality, economy of attention, engagement and the role of images as a vernacular language of the Internet.

Through the case study of four digital born media: NowThis, AJ+, Playground Magazine and Cultural Collectives, the ways in which digital born media through the video format found a way to produce news specifically for social media, and cover science topics such as climate change, will be presented and analyzed. These contents have both prepositive and questionable characteristics from the perspective of science journalism and traditional quality journalism, which can be discussed among the attendees.


Leonor Solís Rojas
Leonor Solís Rojas

head of the Outreach and Environmental Communication Unit of UNAM

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Leonor Solís Rojas
Leonor Solís Rojas

head of the Outreach and Environmental Communication Unit of UNAM

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