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Wednesday, September 1st - 11:30 AM To 13:00 PM

How to write for an international audience

English Track


The last few years have seen a growing emphasis on who should tell stories from the Global South. More and more international news outlets opt to hire local talent rather than fly in reporters from their headquarters. But what challenges arise for early-career journalists assuming such roles? And how has the globalization of media affected the way writers in the Global South write about their own space for local audiences? This discussion will probe the experience of three young journalists, highlighting their trials and successes in bringing science to the world.


Rehab Abdelmohsen
Rehab Abdelmohsen

Freelance science writer

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Linda Nordling
Linda Nordling

Journalist and Editor

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Angelica Yang
Angelica Yang

Multimedia Reporter

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Abdullahi Tsanni
Abdullahi Tsanni

Freelance Science Writer

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Rehab Abdelmohsen
Rehab Abdelmohsen

Freelance science writer

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Linda Nordling
Linda Nordling

Journalist and Editor

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Angelica Yang
Angelica Yang

Multimedia Reporter

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Abdullahi Tsanni
Abdullahi Tsanni

Freelance Science Writer

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