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Thursday, November 3rd - 12:00 PM To 13:00 PM

Making science a household topic in the Middle East

Arabic Track


هل يمكن للروابط العلمية أن يكون لها دور في سد الفجوة بين العلماء والمجتمع؟ وأن تعزز من عمل المؤسسات الصحفية لتبسيط الموضوعات العلمية وترجمة المصطلحات وتبسيطها، وشرح الموضوعات العلمية المثيرة للجدل؟


Ammar Ayman Bahbah
Ammar Ayman Bahbah

medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Menofia University, Egypt

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Hebatullah Ahmad Morgan
Hebatullah Ahmad Morgan

Science teacher, a co-founder at Per-Ankh foundation and the director of the KMT Young Explorers program

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Sherif Abouelhadid
Sherif Abouelhadid

PhD and Egyptian who never thought he would take science as a career

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Doaa Megahed
Doaa Megahed

PhD (Research Scientist at Harvard University, COO and Scientific Editor at Maqal Elmy)

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John Danial
John Danial

PhD (University of Cambridge, CEO and Founder Arab Science Forum)

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Omar Eldardeer
Omar Eldardeer

Ph.D. student researcher in Cognitive Science, Egypt Scholars Inc.

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Ammar Ayman Bahbah
Ammar Ayman Bahbah

medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Menofia University, Egypt

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Hebatullah Ahmad Morgan
Hebatullah Ahmad Morgan

Science teacher, a co-founder at Per-Ankh foundation and the director of the KMT Young Explorers program

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Sherif Abouelhadid
Sherif Abouelhadid

PhD and Egyptian who never thought he would take science as a career

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Doaa Megahed
Doaa Megahed

PhD (Research Scientist at Harvard University, COO and Scientific Editor at Maqal Elmy)

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John Danial
John Danial

PhD (University of Cambridge, CEO and Founder Arab Science Forum)

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Omar Eldardeer
Omar Eldardeer

Ph.D. student researcher in Cognitive Science, Egypt Scholars Inc.

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