About Juan Mayorga

Juan Mayorga is a Mexican freelance journalist specialized in environment. He has covered climate change, climate negotiations, energy transitions, food production, public health, urban development, air pollution, indigenous populations, always linked to the environmental crises of our time. He has bylines in major Mexican outlets as El Universal, CNNMexico, Expansion, Animal Politico, SinEmbargo, Chilango, among others, as well as international ones including The Guardian and Climate Home News.

He has covered major international environment summits and followed social movements such as FridaysForFuture and ExtinctionRebellion, as well as community and indigenous-led initiatives from different parts of Mexico. Juan holds a bachelor degree in Communication from Mexico’s UNAM, and a masters in Public Management-GeoGovernance from Potsdam University, in Germany. He has been fellow for different UN agencies and international journalism organizations such as the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Clean Energy Wire, Earth Journalism Network and National Geographic Foundation.

Juan Mayorga Sessions